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0936 What Network is it? Globe or Smart?

By January 22, 2021No Comments
0936 What network

What network is 0936? Mobile numbers in the Philippines with the prefix 0936 belong to either Globe or TM.

Based on the mobile prefix, phone numbers starting with the combination 0936 (or +63936 if using the country code format) can only either be Globe or TM numbers. Here’s a more thorough rundown for the prefix 0936 as of January 2021:

  • numbers starting in 0936 followed by 0 (that is, 09360xxxxxx) are numbers under either Globe or TM network;
  • numbers starting in 0936 followed by either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 (that is, numbers starting with 09361, 09362, 09363, and so on until 09368) are numbers under TM; and lastly,
  • numbers starting in 0936 followed by 9 (that is, 09369xxxxxx) are numbers under Globe.

How come Globe and TM share the same mobile number prefix (0936)?

Globe and TM sharing the same prefix may have to do with them coming from the same parent company. Globe Telecom Inc., founded in 1935 and the company that owns and operates the mobile phone network of the same name, is the same company that launched TM back in 2001 (formerly known as Touch Mobile and Republika ng TM, now known as TM Tambayan).

If you are a subscriber of either of these two networks, you can call and text another number subscribed to either Globe or TM at the minimum rate. However, if you want to call or text a number from Smart, TNT, or Sun Cellular, you will have to pay a higher rate. 

Similarly, Globe or TM promos covering other networks are priced at a higher cost compared to those with inclusions exclusive to the two networks. The same is true the other way around: Smart, Sun, or TNT promos covering Globe and TM are pricier than those exclusive to their own network.

Therefore, familiarizing what network operates which numbers can help you avoid being charged unnecessary cost. You can find more information about mobile number prefixes, as well as view our complete list of updated prefixes arranged according to network and numerically in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is the network of numbers with the prefix 0945?

Mobile numbers starting with 0945 (or +63945) belong to either Globe or TM subscribers.

2. What is the network of numbers with the prefix 0955?

Mobile numbers starting with 0955 (or +63955) belong exclusively to TM subscribers.

3. What is the network of numbers with the prefix 0956?

Mobile numbers starting with 0956 (or +63956) belong exclusively to Globe subscribers.

4. What is the network of numbers with the prefix 0997?

Mobile numbers starting with 0997 (or +63997) belong to either Globe or TM subscribers.

5. What other prefixes do Globe and TM carry?

You can view our compiled and updated table of Globe and TM prefixes here.

6. What prefixes do Smart, Sun Cellular, and TNT carry?

You can view our compiled and updated table of Smart, Sun Cellular, and TNT prefixes grouped according to network and numerically here.

0936 What Network – Bottomline

That’s it! You’ve learned that mobile phone numbers in the Philippines starting in 0936 fall under the networks Globe and TM. 

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Jerico Saquing

Jerico Saquing

Jerico is the founder of Peso Hacks. He's also a freelance writer who specializes in topics related to finance, travel and games. In his spare time, he likes to watch anime, play mobile games and read books.

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